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Comprehensive Guide to Warehouse Shelving and Racking Options

Efficient storage is the cornerstone of a successful warehouse operation. The ability to swiftly organize and access inventory directly influences productivity, order fulfillment, and overall business prosperity. Warehouse shelving serves as a linchpin in achieving these objectives. In this all-encompassing guide, we'll delve into the myriad of warehouse shelving options available, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your storage space and streamline your operations.

Note if you need help: Contact us and we'll help you source what you need for your warehouse. Contact: ted@leanmh.com or call 888-310-0008 x2

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Warehouse Shelving

2. Factors to Consider When Choosing Warehouse Shelving

3. Different Types of Warehouse Shelving Options

  • Selective Pallet Racking
  • Double Deep Racking
  • Drive-In/Drive-Through Racking
  • Cantilever Racking
  • Push Back Racking
  • Gravity Flow Racking
  • Mobile Shelving Systems
  • Mezzanine Shelving
  • Boltless Shelving

4. Benefits of Proper Warehouse Shelving

5. Optimizing Warehouse Shelving for Your Business

6. Maintenance and Safety Considerations

7. Anticipating Future Trends in Warehouse Shelving

8. Where to Buy Warehouse Shelving in the U.S. and Canada 

Introduction to Warehouse Shelving:

Warehouse shelving does more than provide storage; it underpins strategic efficiency, impacting inventory management, order picking, and overall warehouse layout. A well-designed shelving system can maximize available space, enhance accessibility, and refine workflow processes. Whether you're dealing with palletized goods, lengthy items, or high-turnover inventory, selecting the right shelving solution can revolutionize your warehouse's functionality.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Warehouse Shelving:

Before diving into the world of shelving options, it's crucial to consider several factors to ensure you make the best choice for your warehouse:

  • Inventory Type and Size: The nature of your inventory items significantly influences the type of shelving required. The weight, size, and dimensions of your items will dictate which shelving options are suitable.
  • Storage Density: Assess your storage density needs. High-density storage requires shelving that can accommodate larger quantities of items within a confined space.
  • Accessibility: Consider how often you need to access certain items. Quick and easy access to frequently picked items can improve overall efficiency.
  • Warehouse Layout: Your warehouse's layout is a crucial factor. Shelving options need to align with the available space and layout to ensure optimal utilization.
  • Budget: Budget constraints play a role in your shelving decision. Consider the costs of shelving systems, installation, and any necessary accessories. 

Different Types of Warehouse Shelving Options:

The following various types of warehouse shelving and storage can be sourced from our team. Reach us at store@warehouseiq.com or call customer support at 1-888-310-0008

1. Selective Pallet Racking:
Selective pallet racking is the workhorse of many warehouses. It offers direct access to each pallet, making it ideal for facilities with a diverse range of products. This versatile system is known for its ease of assembly and efficient space utilization. Items are stored on horizontal beams that can be adjusted to different levels.

2. Double Deep Racking:
Double deep racking is designed for maximum space optimization. It stores pallets two-deep, making it a perfect solution for warehouses with larger quantities of fewer SKUs. Although access to rear pallets may be less immediate, the system is ideal for items with a slower turnover rate.

3. Drive-In/Drive-Through Racking:
High-density storage is the hallmark of drive-in/drive-through racking systems. Drive-in racking allows forklifts to enter the rack, enabling deeper storage, while drive-through racking provides access from both sides, allowing for FIFO or LIFO inventory rotation strategies.

4. Cantilever Racking:
Cantilever racking is tailor-made for long, bulky items that don't fit neatly on traditional pallets. Ideal for storing items such as pipes, lumber, and furniture, the open design ensures easy access to items of varying sizes.

5. Push Back Racking:
Push back racking is a dynamic solution for high-density storage needs. Pallets are stored on inclined rails, and when a new pallet is loaded, it pushes existing ones backward. This gravity-driven system is ideal for items with varying dimensions.

6. Gravity Flow Racking:
Gravity flow racking uses inclined rollers or conveyors to facilitate automatic forward movement of items. This system is particularly useful for high-turnover inventory, as the first-in, first-out (FIFO) principle is inherently followed.

7. Mobile Shelving Systems:
Mobile shelving systems, also known as compact shelving, are mounted on tracks and can be moved laterally to create additional aisles as needed. This system maximizes space utilization by eliminating the need for permanent aisles.

8. Mezzanine Shelving:
When space is at a premium, mezzanine shelving offers a solution. This system creates a second level within the warehouse, effectively doubling the storage capacity without expanding the building's footprint.

9. Boltless Shelving:
Boltless shelving is used because if its easy assembly and adaptability. It utilizes a simple locking mechanism, eliminating the need for nuts and bolts. The adjustable shelves can be positioned to accommodate various item sizes. This type of shelving offers a convenient solution for businesses that require quick installation and reconfiguration as storage needs evolve.

Benefits of Proper Warehouse Shelving:

Investing in the right shelving system yields numerous benefits that resonate throughout your warehouse operations:

  • Optimized Space Utilization: Properly designed shelving maximizes both vertical and horizontal storage space, making the most of your warehouse's footprint.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Efficient shelving systems ensure quick and easy access to items, reducing the time spent searching for specific inventory.
  • Improved Order Fulfillment: Organized shelving minimizes picking and packing times, facilitating smoother order fulfillment processes.
  • Reduced Clutter: Neatly organized shelves reduce clutter, creating a more efficient and safer working environment for your staff.
  • Adaptability: Different shelving options cater to varying inventory types and operational requirements, allowing you to tailor your storage solutions to your specific needs.
  • Optimizing Warehouse Shelving for Your Business: Optimal utilization of your shelving systems requires strategic planning and ongoing adjustments:
    • Regular Audits: Conduct frequent inventory audits to reassess your shelving needs. Over time, inventory turnover rates and item sizes may change, necessitating adjustments to your shelving configuration.
    • FIFO and LIFO Management: Select shelving systems that align with your inventory rotation strategy. FIFO (first in, first out) and LIFO (last in, first out) systems have different requirements, and your shelving should accommodate these needs.
    • Slotting Optimization: Group items based on their frequency of use. Items that are frequently accessed should be placed in easily reachable locations to enhance picking efficiency.
    • Proper Labeling: Clearly label shelves and storage locations to ensure accurate item retrieval and storage. This reduces the chances of errors and misplaced items.
  • Maintenance and Safety Considerations: Maintaining a safe and functional warehouse environment is paramount:
    • Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect your shelving systems for signs of damage or wear. Damaged shelves can compromise safety and efficiency.
    • Weight Limits: Adhere to the weight limits specified by the shelving manufacturer. Overloading shelves can lead to structural damage and safety hazards.
    • Employee Training: Train your warehouse staff on proper shelving usage and safety procedures. This ensures that shelving systems are used correctly and safely and are no damage during dat to day operations.

Anticipating Future Trends in Warehouse Shelving:

The world of warehousing and logistics is ever-evolving, and shelving systems are no exception:

Automation Integration: Automation is transforming warehousing, and shelving systems are integrating seamlessly with automated technologies such as robotic pickers and conveyor belts.

Sustainability: Environmental concerns are influencing warehouse design. Eco-friendly shelving materials and designs that minimize waste and energy consumption are gaining traction.

Smart Shelving: Technological advancements are leading to the development of sensor-equipped shelving that can monitor inventory levels, humidity, and other environmental factors in real time. This real-time data enhances inventory management and prevents damage to sensitive items.

Where to buy warehouse shelving

Warehouse shelving and racking is available from forklift dealers, online, racking installers and more. If you want quick access to warehouse shelving and racking yuo van start online here. Or contact our experts here at WarehouseIQ. Call 1-888-310-0008 x2 or email ted@leanmh.com and Ted or one of our team will help you source what you need. We serve Canada and the U.S. and the associated regions.

More Warehouse Racking and Shelving Resources


